Category: Education


Pentingnya melakukan mat pilates agar kesehatan tubuh terjaga

Mat Pilates adalah salah satu bentuk olahraga yang terus naik daun dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Olahraga ini merupakan teknik latihan yang terdiri dari serangkaian gerakan tubuh yang dirancang untuk memperkuat otot inti dan meningkatkan fleksibilitas tubuh. Selain itu, Mat Pilates juga dapat membantu memperbaiki postur dan meningkatkan keseimbangan. Ada beberapa alasan mengapa Mat Pilates sangat penting bagi kesehatan dan kebugaran seseorang. Pertama-tama, Mat Pilates membantu memperkuat otot inti. Otot inti terdiri dari otot-otot di sekitar perut, panggul, dan punggung bawah. Otot inti yang kuat sangat penting untuk menjaga postur yang baik dan mengurangi risiko cedera pada tulang belakang. Selain itu, Mat Pilates juga membantu meningkatkan fleksibilitas. Gerakan yang dilakukan dalam Mat Pilates memperpanjang otot-otot dan membantu mengurangi ketegangan pada tubuh. Dengan meningkatkan fleksibilitas, seseorang dapat meningkatkan rentang gerakan dan mengurangi risiko cedera pada sendi dan otot. Selain manfaat untuk otot dan sendi, Mat Pilates juga dapat membantu meningkatkan keseimbangan dan koordinasi tubuh. Latihan Mat Pilates memerlukan fokus dan konsentrasi pada gerakan tubuh, sehingga dapat membantu memperbaiki keseimbangan dan koordinasi tubuh secara keseluruhan. Terakhir, Mat Pilates dapat membantu mengurangi stres dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan mental. Gerakan-gerakan yang dilakukan dalam Mat Pilates dapat membantu meningkatkan sirkulasi darah, mengurangi ketegangan otot, dan merangsang produksi hormon endorfin yang membuat seseorang merasa lebih baik. Dalam keseluruhan, Mat Pilates sangat penting bagi kesehatan dan kebugaran seseorang. Melakukan Mat Pilates secara rutin dapat membantu meningkatkan kekuatan, fleksibilitas, keseimbangan, dan kesejahteraan mental. Oleh karena itu, bagi siapa saja yang ingin memperbaiki kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuhnya, Mat Pilates merupakan pilihan yang sangat baik untuk dilakukan.

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The Japan Conditioning Academy (JCA) will hold Basic Mat Pilates Training with Master Trainers from Japan

After successfully holding the academy’s opening event with the title of Japan Conditioning Academy First Conference 2023 “Introducing the First Japan Body Conditioning Academy in Indonesia”, it was held on 9 & 11 February 2023 at MDC Hall, Slipi, Central Jakarta. JCA has now opened its first training class, namely the “Basic Mat Pilates Training Program” which will be held on 18 & 19 February 2023. The Master Trainer who will fill in the basic mat training is Mr. Toshiki Oiwa, a JCA Pilates Master Trainer with 15 years experience in pilates training. Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on improving posture and strengthening the core, increasing flexibility and balance. Mat Pilates is a type of Pilates that is done on a mat, so there is no need to use other pilates tools such as reformers or Cadillacs, so everyone can practice this Pilates mat and become the basis of the next Pilates. The Japan Conditioning Academy (JCA) promotes the value of 心技体 (Shin・Gi・Tai) which means a combination of mind, technique, and body in synchronizing every Pilates movement performed at JCA academy. Basic Mat Pilates Training  program is open to the public and can be attended by anyone with any profession. This training is open to anyone who wants to learn more about pilates or who wants to become a pilates instructor. For participants who have never taken part in or even tried Pilates, there is no need to worry, because the modules made by JCA are very beginner friendly and participants will be taught the basics of Pilates from the start. During the course, you will be guided by an experienced Pilates instructor who will help you understand Pilates principles and how to incorporate them into your routine. Apart from the basic mat pilates, later the participants can also take other training classes such as pilates reformer, etc. This event will be held at Harris Hotel, 18 & 19 February at 09.00 – 16.00 WIB. Participants will be given a learning module that can be used as a learning module foundation after the training is complete. Also, a certificate that participants can later use if they later want to teach mat pilates. Those who are interested in taking part in the JCA Basic Mat Pilates Training Program can register through the Japan Conditioning Academy website at or contact the JCA admin at 0813-9938-5800. In the first training program provided, JCA will provide special prices for registered participants.

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Speaker Profile: Oiwa Toshiki (JCA Pilates Master Trainer)

Starting from the injury he suffered and forcing him to give up on his favorite sport, Oiwa Toshiki tried to heal his injury with medical care and hospital but no one was able to find out the cause and solution to what he was experiencing. Until finally, after 7- 8 years, he discovered Pilates and he was very impressed with the changes that occurred in his body after trying Pilates and now he is currently a Pilates trainer. Here in Indonesia Oiwa Toshiki wants to spread the value and benefits of Pilates more widely. He took a Pilates course without having tried it first. Therefore, he also wanted to convey this at Japan Conditioning Academy, anyone with any background can become a Pilates instructor. Currently, he has several certified PHI Pilates Master Trainers, Reformer Training Course Lecturers, Chair training course instructors, Instructors of props training courses, Mat Training Course Instructors, Acupuncture, anma, massage, shiatsu, etc. Finally, he said that “Pilates is a wonderful method that has the potential for future medical treatment and treatment that is completely different from medical and passive treatment”. Please take a successful experience to overcome the problems and problems of the body.

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Speaker Profile: Shinici Nunokawa (Conditioning Trainer)

After working as an employee in a Japanese fitness club for 8 years, he decided to become an independent personal trainer in 2010. The reason of he interested in body conditioning because he felt uncomfortable with the fact that there were many people didn’t get good result in exercise after got injuries or after suffering from injuries.  From that reason, he learned more deeply and learning the impotance of body conditioning to the result of exercising. In July 2014, He opened his own studio specializing in posture improvement named Be-Style in Moriyama City, Shiga Prefecture. Two months after opening the studio, it got good enthusiast from everyone and impossible to make any reservation. So, he launched the academy business for staff recruitment and training. Since 2016, he built two studios in Osaka and helping more than 25.000 people to improve their posture and performance. Now, he supports professional athletes and executives in Tokyo. He already published a book about beautiful posture habits and got ranked 8th by categori in Amazon. Also become the trainer of the year in 2016 by Judge’s Special Award. Now, he ready to expand and share his knowledge and experience about body conditioning in Indonesia in the Japan Conditioning Academy First Conference 2023. Don’t lose the opportunity!

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